sábado, 13 de janeiro de 2024

Mês do minicontos 2ed #6

Who, what, when, where and why?

(forgive my english please)

Who: Andrew 
What: get awak after get up after he taken him breakfast, showed after wear to work
when: six o'clock for tomorrow
where: in him apartment
why: he need to go to work

Who: Andrew
What: he taken him lunch after review some shees  and signed contats and make some connections
When: one o'clock to moon 
where: in him office
why: was need for him work 

who: Andrew
what: he to go happy ' hour, tolk with him freinds and lette danced and came back hourse a very late night 
when: five o'clock after work
where: in night cub
why: day was hard and he need some join

 Eu não sou muito amigo da ortografia as vezes nem da gramática então se você encontro algum erro de seja de ortografia ou de gramática ou ate retórica, por favo acuse esse erros nos comentários para que eu possa melhor minha escrita cada vez mais. De ante mão fico muito agradecido.

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